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John Anderson

John Anderson

The Latest From John Anderson

  • What Possible Gain in Dividing the Nation?

    Indigenous people don’t suffer from the lack of a Voice, but the cycles of fatherlessness, violence, substance abuse and poor education that grips certain communities. The same tragic story plays out time and time again, but it can’t be solved by another political body or throwing more money at the problem. It’s past time for realism to supplant empty gestures

    Sep 01 2023

    4 mins

  • The Unrecognised Gift of Good Fathering

    After what he had been through, the horror of war and the enduring grief of family tragedies, Dad could have played the victim, but I don't believe such a thought ever crossed his mind. It took me years to grasp the truth that I was blessed with one of the best. The pity is that there aren't more fathers like him

    Sep 06 2020

    8 mins