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Joanna Hackett

Joanna Hackett

The Latest From Joanna Hackett

  • When the Leaves Fell from the Bullshit Trees

    It was a balmy evening when the first stirrings of revolt began, the sort of night when dreams come true and the leaves fall like dandruff from the bullshit trees. This is what happened when those who for so long had enjoyed telling us how we must think, speak, act, procreate and grovel discovered they were no better than dags on the bum of a great nation

    Aug 19 2020

    19 mins

  • White Emu and the Very Naughty Boy

    Some very unkind people checked out Frank’s family tree and not one little spot of whiteness could be found amongst his ancestors. They all had beautiful black skin, black hair and brown eyes, just like Frank. What they didn't have was the gall to identify for fun and profit as that which they were not

    Feb 12 2020

    11 mins