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Jennifer Marohasy

Jennifer Marohasy

The Latest From Jennifer Marohasy

  • Marohasy in Canberra

    The pressure comes, at one level, from apparently arbitrary decisions made by this Commonwealth government, but the previous Coalition government was no better.

    Aug 30 2011

    3 mins

  • Government must act

    It is the ultimate in hypocrisy for the Commonwealth government to be insisting farmers give back water under a new planning scheme to save the environment, while continuing to pocket millions from water wasted by Snowy Hydro for derivative trading on the electricity market.

    Feb 16 2011

    6 mins

  • The whole truth

    The Snowy Hydro chief executive recently confirmed that water was dumped into the already flooded Murray-Darling Basin, but said the authority had little choice. A real time operational diagram, however, tells a very different story.

    Dec 16 2010

    2 mins

  • Bureaucratic flood damage?

    Because of a formal agreement between NSW Office of Water and Snowy Hydro, involving an obligation to South Australia, approximately 500,000 megalitres, equivalent to one Sydney Harbour of water, must be released as soon as possible as environmental flow into the already flooded Murrumbidgee River.

    Dec 11 2010

    6 mins

  • Christmas Books: Jennifer Marohasy

    One of the funniest books of the year - Solar by Ian McEwan. For lots of laughter, insights into human folly, and also the politics of climate change.

    Dec 10 2010

    1 mins

  • The Murray: salt water solution

    That the salt water solution is resisted, and that the Murray Darling Basin Authority insists in its new plan that even more water be taken from irrigators to keep the lakes fresh, suggests that this key institution is more influenced by politics than science.

    Nov 21 2010

    5 mins

  • The Murray: a fresh perspective

    Few understand how different ecologically the Murray Darling Basin was before European settlement and the impacts of agriculture and the construction of barrages designed to keep salt water out.

    Sep 19 2010

    8 mins

  • Least-worst climate policy?

    Tony Abbott, says Ms Gillard must drop the Citizen’s Assembly and take real action. But there is nothing in his $3.2 billion ‘Direct Action Plan for Climate Change and the Environment’ that will seriously address the issue.

    Aug 01 2010

    6 mins

  • ETS Forum – Great, let’s close the beef industry

    Ross Garnaut, a key advisor to the government on climate change, suggested in his final report on climate change that the end of the beef industry would be a good thing for the Australian environment and that a switch from beef cattle to kangaroo would have multiple environmental benefits additional to reducing emissions.

    Aug 08 2009

    4 mins