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Jarrod Brady

Jarrod Brady

The Latest From Jarrod Brady

  • Bushfires, Climate Change and Logic

    The widespread acceptance of the outrageous claim that climate change 'caused' the summer's bushfires has the potential to inflict tremendous harm upon our nation. If we are blinded by this lunacy and fail to address the real causes of bushfires, efforts to avoid future catastrophe will be misdirected and more Australians will die

    Apr 22 2020

    24 mins

  • Bushfires and Climate Change: A Fanciful Link

    There really is one aspect of the recent bushfires that is genuinely 'unprecedented', that favourite word of climate alarmists and journalists so eager to be gulled: this year, as much of Australia burned, it became acceptable to use the misery and deaths of fellow Australians to advance a political agenda

    Feb 21 2020

    25 mins