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James Jeffery

James Jeffery

The Latest From James Jeffery

  • Not All Religions Are Created Equal

    Over the last two months, we have witnessed brutality, carnage […]

    Dec 28 2023

    7 mins

  • Five Reasons Christians Should Reject the Voice

    The Voice is not only imperfect but incredibly dangerous. Rather than serve as a pathway to a reconciled Australia, as its promoters assert, it is destined to stoke racial division and resentments regardless of the referendum's result. It's a pity Australians have to vote at all, but since we must there can be no doubt that 'No' represents the lesser of two evils

    Aug 06 2023

    13 mins

  • A Christian Mulls the Righteousness of Lockdowns

    As NSW's lockdown extends it grip and the odds on Victoria imposing yet another hobbling of normal life and movement grow shorter by the hour, we must remain aware that our neighbours are not just bags of cells in need protecting. We are morally obliged not to push from mind their economic and mental health

    Jul 14 2021

    3 mins

  • America’s Commander in Cheat

    His first and long-delayed press conference shouldn't have been that much of a challenge for Joe Biden, given that he knew which members of the White House press corps would be asking questions and what scripted answers needed to be delivered. Yet even with those advantages an often addled President still couldn't quite pull it off

    Apr 08 2021

    5 mins

  • The Red Elephant in the Room

    While COVID-19 has wrought havoc across the world, one of the things for which we can be thankful is that it has exposed the true and dangerous character of the the Chinese communist regime. And by 'China', lest someone cry 'Racist!', I mean the Chinese Communist Party, not the Chinese people

    Jun 03 2020

    11 mins

  • China Did This — and Will Do Worse

    COVID-19 has exposedthe faulty foundations upon which Australia’s relationship with China is built. Short-term economic gains have always been the lure, but they're not worth the ideological and political suffocation that must be the inevitable result

    Apr 04 2020

    12 mins

  • Bushfires and Climate Change: No Link Whatsoever

    Horrific bushfires erupted before the late 20th century's rapid industrialisation, and these cannot be attributed to anthropogenic climate change. In asserting we have brought the latest wave of fires upon ourselves, a quasi-religious movement has made hysteria its liturgy

    Dec 26 2019

    6 mins