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J. J. Spigelman

J. J. Spigelman

The Latest From J. J. Spigelman

  • Global Engagement for Australian Lawyers

    During the period of almost thirteen years that I have […]

    Apr 01 2011

    20 mins

  • The Imperial Constraint on Lachlan Macquarie

    At 2 p.m. on Thursday, October 7, 1819, Governor Lachlan […]

    Sep 29 2010

    39 mins

  • Refusing to Be Victims

    No one in this room needs to be told of the horror and the tragedy of the Holocaust. It was the defining moral event of the twentieth century. Virtually everyone in this room was personally touched, either directly or indirectly, by those events. The significance of remembrance is now well established, at least to people such as us. It is not always so well established to others. Whilst it may be true that, for many, there is a certain amount of overload on the subject of the Holocaust, nevertheless, it is a theme that repeats itself again and again. We cannot leave it alone because of the extraordinary range of human characteristics, ranging from satanic evil on the one hand to the most self-denying personal altruism on the other, which it evoked.

    Nov 01 2009

    11 mins

  • A Place for Rhetoric

    For several centuries the Inns of Court were called “The […]

    Jan 01 2009

    13 mins

  • Lord Mansfield and the Culture of Improvement

    The multiple national enlightenments of eighteenth-century Europe had common themes […]

    Oct 07 2008

    11 mins