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Ivan Head

Ivan Head

The Latest From Ivan Head

  • A Reflection on Anzac Day 2023

    We are not to forget our war dead, nor those who serve today. On Anzac Day we are not Narcissus looking into a pool of war dead and seeing only our own reflection in some way. It is about them, the war dead and war injured, and about the tragedy and indelible losses of war, and of a commitment to the better world.

    Apr 25 2023

    6 mins

  • Island Songs of Experience

    Upper Heights and Lower Depths is a supremely good book. Lovers of poetry would want to have it on their shelf to read and to own. It invites immersion. It invites the distinctive pleasure of returning to it and entering into what the four Tasmania poets have discovered and expressed. It exemplifies excellence

    Feb 08 2023

    11 mins

  • Ivan Head: ‘Australian Icon’

    Australian Icon Grown men weep on cue to camera when […]

    Dec 30 2022

    1 mins

  • Indelible Traces

    As James McAuley put it almost sixty years ago in A Primer of Australian Versification: 'What is the relation between poetry and personal experience; and in particular what are the ways in which a personal element enters poetry?' Two new volumes lend that question a fresh pertinence

    Nov 09 2022

    8 mins

  • Ivan Head: ‘The Elocution of Billy Graham’ and ‘Laudato Si’

    The Elocution of Billy Graham The mesmeric Billy Graham pronounced […]

    Oct 29 2022

    1 mins

  • A Commonplace Funeral for an Extraordinary Queen   

    Many viewers of Her Majesty's funeral would not have known they were watching an ordinary, entirely normal service -- or, to be more correct, what was until recently the standard rite. Then liturgical re-inventors sacrificed the Book of Common Prayer on modernity's altar, replaced the King James Version and made even the simplest of clerical dress optional

    Sep 20 2022

    3 mins

  • The Academic Beatup of Sexual Statistics

    What are we to make of the 96 per cent of Australian tertiary students who declined to take part in a survey of sexual harassment? To universities around Australia it meant nothing, as they immediately and on cue pumped out press releases insisting they were addressing the problem -- a 'problem' defined by the most dubious of sampling methods

    Jun 19 2022

    7 mins

  • Invasions of Insight

    In reading and reviewing these four books, I reverted to […]

    May 31 2022

    16 mins

  • Elie Kedourie’s Insight on National Conflicts

    There is no compelling reason why an Australian political leader should be able to reflect with a longer, informed historical perspective on the spirit of the age, or reflect on the rise and fall of peoples. Who is to say any of our leaders will be educated in a history of what has happened, what it was like to be alive in those times, let alone to avoid the pitfalls of the past? One doubts our national curriculum.

    May 27 2022

    18 mins