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Ian Plimer

Ian Plimer

The Latest From Ian Plimer

  • The Biggest Public Policy Disaster in a Lifetime

    There is no climate crisis but a crisis in public policy. This has already cost taxpayers and consumers hundreds of billions of dollars and that bill keeps rising -- good for the rent-seekers gaming the system, but a curse on the rest of us right now and, unless this madness is stopped, a catastrophe for generations of Australians to come

    Nov 12 2022

    7 mins

  • How to make Australia efficient

    The greens, environmental activists, social engineers and bureaucrat advocates all want to change our way of life. Well so do I.

    Mar 02 2012

    21 mins

  • Christmas Books: Ian Plimer

    Over the last few months, I have twice read Bob Carter’s Climate: The Counter Consensus. It is a far better book than my Heaven and Earth. Carter’s science is readable and totally demolishes the ideological paradigm that humans can create a climate catastrophe.

    Dec 11 2010

    2 mins

  • The real Copenhagen conference

    I attended the Copenhagen Climate Challenge Conference. It was about the science of climate. Speakers were scientists, lawyers and environmentalists.

    Dec 14 2009

    3 mins

  • Creating catastrophe

    It is claimed that there is a scientific consensus about human-induced climate change. Consensus is a process of politics not science. There is certainly no scientific consensus about human-induced climate change and the loudest voice does not win scientific discussions. Science is married to evidence, no matter how uncomfortable.  

    Aug 24 2009

    6 mins

  • ETS Forum – It’s all in the rocks

    There is no direct, real world evidence for dangerous human-caused warming at all, and that despite the efforts of thousands of scientists and organisations since 1990, and the expenditure of approaching $100 billion, looking for precisely such evidence. Instead, the global warming scare is built entirely around unvalidated computer climate models that are known to be wrong.

    Aug 08 2009

    4 mins

  • Climate fundamentalism

    Climate change politics is religious fundamentalism masquerading as science.

    Apr 13 2009

    1 mins

  • Coming soon: Heaven and Earth

    At Easter, my book on climate change comes out. I destroy every single argument that has ever been raised about human-induced climate change.

    Apr 06 2009

    2 mins