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Hilary L. Rubinstein

Hilary L. Rubinstein

The Latest From Hilary L. Rubinstein

  • Anti-Israel Bias at the BBC and the ABC

    The outrageous appointment in 2014 as Middle East Correspondent of left-wing pro-Palestinian 'advocacy journalist' Sophie McNeill marked a new low for the ABC. Throughout her career there -- she has worked for the notoriously selective Human Rights Watch since 2020 -- she demonised Israel with reports that were brazen propaganda pieces

    Jun 19 2024

    13 mins

  • Anti-Israel Bias at the BBC and the ABC

    Once upon a time, Britain’s publicly-funded national broadcaster, like Australia’s, […]

    May 28 2024

    13 mins

  • The Leftist Myth of William Cooper

    The oft-repeated and much-embroidered tale insists the Aboriginal activist led a ten-mile march through Melbourne to the German consulate to protest Nazi persecution of the Jews. Indeed, some over-enthusiastic promoters of the Cooper myth even go so far as to anoint him 'the only man in the world' to denounce kristallnacht. It's a great story, but that's all it is and ever has been -- a story

    Jul 02 2023

    15 mins