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Harry Cummins

Harry Cummins

The Latest From Harry Cummins

  • Devoured by Weaklings: The Chosen Fate of the West

    The West’s ruling ideology has been drawn up by self-appointed elites and imposed without debate or consent -- a judicial and political construct and a captious religion. Like Islam, when it first appeared in the seventh century, it deifies what was previously regarded as evil, and demonises what had been regarded regarded as good

    Aug 23 2022

    22 mins

  • The Common Cause of China and Islam

    In July 2019, twenty-two infidel democracies, most of them Western, denounced China’s crimes against Muslims in a letter to the High Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Council. The following day sixteen Muslim powers -- among them Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Pakistan, the UAE and Nigeria -- responded by staunchly defending China’s treatment of their Uyghur brothers

    Feb 17 2022

    21 mins

  • Immigration and the Unkindness of Strangers

    Western culture’s right to survive derives not from its similarity to all other civilisations but from its superiority to them. Were it not superior, why are Western societies preferred by non-Westerners as models to emulate and as places of residence, relaxation and protection?

    Jan 08 2021

    20 mins

  • The Black Lives That Don’t Matter

    Islam teaches that racism, slavery and imperialism are noble as long as they are inflicted on infidels. Can anyone be surprised then, that in the Muslim world support for racism, slavery and imperialism is high? Reformers very soon realise there are no 'standards to which an appeal can be made' in the Islamic world

    Sep 15 2020

    13 mins

  • Black Slaves Matter!

    There is no money nor kudos in trying to end the Muslim slave trade, but the likes of Black Lives Matter most definitely recognise the rewards to be tapped in the bottomless reservoir of Western guilt. Meanwhile, black slaves are chained, abused and castrated as the same activists avert their gaze

    Jun 23 2020

    14 mins

  • Our Epidemic of Self-Reproach and its Costs

    If Australia is to survive, what Marcuse termed the 'subversive majority' and Hillary Clinton excoriated as 'deplorables' must ensure that federal and state governments stop subsidising self-hatred, hostile immigration and multiculturalism — a program that is a contradiction in terms given that so many cultures are mutually exclusive

    Jun 11 2020

    11 mins