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Greg Williams

Greg Williams

The Latest From Greg Williams

  • A Five-Step Program to Beat COVID

    When bureaucrats can tell doctors how they must treat patients and give them no leeway to vary those treatment, then it is not the patient who is ill, it is the society that encourages such exercises in arrogance and coercion. One of the first things we need if pre-pandemic normality is ever to be restored is seeing doctors and patients chart their own, mutually agreed treatment pathways

    Jan 05 2022

    8 mins

  • COVID-19, Risk and Public Policy

    Were governments inclined to approach the China virus as they do smoking, shark attacks, cycling and other risks to life, we'd have mild restrictions, public health ad campaigns and an economy in a far better state than the shambles to which Daniel Andrews and others have reduced it. More than that, Australians would have been denied the opportunity to demonstrate how docile we have become

    Oct 22 2020

    5 mins

  • A Remedial Lesson in Climate Education

    As a teacher, I often come across students and fellow teachers who live in fear of climate change and are determined to see that something be done about it -- although not, I hasten to add, any specific measure that might crimp their enjoyment of energy-intense lifestyles. Here's what I tell them to banish fear of CO2

    Jun 13 2019

    5 mins