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Greg Chapman

Greg Chapman

The Latest From Greg Chapman

  • Lies, Damn Lies and Climate Models

    If your model's initial assumptions are incorrect, how can you rely on it to make any prediction worth the effort of consulting? Not that peddling shoddy science bothers the swollen ranks of climateers. And why should they fret? Climate fear is a growth industry, meaning careers will advance so long as their rubbish in/garbage out findings are questioned

    Oct 19 2022

    13 mins

  • The Infallible Priesthood Chicken-entrail Convocation

    The High Priest was adamant that the portents were beyond dispute: the climate's direction over the 100 years to come had been settled by the auguries of 1000 chickens' entrails. Certain as he was, however, he remained insistent that he and his fellow priests receive grants of many more chickens to advance their sacred science

    Mar 15 2020

    7 mins