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Gerard Henderson

Gerard Henderson

The Latest From Gerard Henderson

  • George Pell and His Antagonists

    A decade ago, George Pell was perhaps the best-known Christian—and Richard Dawkins perhaps the best-known atheist—in the English-speaking world. They debated each other on the ABC’s Q+A program on April 9, 2012, before a live audience.

    Aug 25 2024

    12 mins

  • The Sneering Poses of David Marr

    David Marr was hopelessly wrong on the Pell case from beginning to end — a not uncommon occurrence when a commentator allows feelings to influence judgment. To his credit, and unlike other members of the 'get Pell' posse, he did eventually concede the Cardinal was indeed innocent, albeit through gritted teeth

    Dec 07 2021

    23 mins

  • Anti-Catholicism in the Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse

    The alienated intelligentsia detest their own culture and heritage. That’s why the sneering secularists—who have joined the pile-on with respect to Christian believers—all but ignore Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhists believers.

    When the likes of David Marr sneer at 'what’s happening in Roman Catholic presbyteries' the only response is to fight back with argument based on facts

    Nov 21 2018

    22 mins

  • The Royal Commission and the Church

    The Royal Commission concentrated overwhelmingly on the Catholic Church in general and Cardinal Pell in particular, ignoring some and skating over other alleged offenders and institutions. Yet the evidence suggests Catholics were neither the worst nor only offenders. Why the singular focus?

    Jul 04 2017

    16 mins

  • Why Menzies Still Matters

    Robert Gordon Menzies matters as much today as he did […]

    Dec 07 2008

    41 mins