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George Thomas

George Thomas

The Latest From George Thomas

  • Lessons from Untaught Books

    From our archives: "My school had quite an influx of young teachers around that time, and my new young Form Five English teacher used George MacBeth’s anthology Poetry 1900 to 1965 only once or twice, and ignored George Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London completely. But those two books changed my life"

    Aug 14 2024

    7 mins

  • Lessons from Untaught Books II

    George Thomas: My school had quite an influx of young […]

    Aug 14 2024

    0 mins

  • Well Worth the Effort

    Saxby Pridmore has been one of Tasmania’s leading psychiatrists since […]

    Aug 31 2021

    6 mins

  • Hope in the Outback — and for Australian writing

    What sets Jane Harper apart, beyond from her deft plots and turn of phrase, is a complete lack of political correctness. Not that she is politically incorrect, but simply that she manages to avoid completely the fashionable display of virtuous opinion that drags down contemporary Australian writing of all kinds

    Jan 01 2019

    4 mins

  • Encouraging the Unwell

    Being smart doesn’t make psychiatrists, as a body at least, immune to irresponsibility and foolishness. One of author Tanveer Ahmed's pet peeves is the way every mental affliction, from sadness upwards, is being medicalised, labelled a condition and therefore in need of treatment

    May 07 2017

    8 mins

  • The Elusive Miss MacKintosh

    Jennifer Morag Henderson has written what is, surprisingly, the first biography of a writer much appreciated in life and oft overlooked in death. Throughout her novels genuineness battles phoniness and secrets are revealed-- an irony, really, given that MacKintosh herself remains such an elusive presence

    Sep 18 2016

    11 mins

  • The Boffin Novelist

    His Own Executioner: The Life of Nigel Balchin by Derek […]

    May 01 2016

    9 mins

  • “Lessons from Untaught Books

    One of the strongest memories of my state-school education in […]

    Jan 01 2016

    7 mins

  • Two Warnings

    This Tattooed Land by Derek Parker Publisher’s Apprentice, 2014, 130 […]

    May 01 2015

    6 mins