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Geoffrey Luck

Geoffrey Luck

The Latest From Geoffrey Luck

  • The ABC: You Pay, They Twist

    Terror attacks? Sshhh, never mention Islam! Riots in Virginia? Skip the broader picture to focus on an unrepresentative handful of neo-Nazis. It's the national broadcaster's way: all the news that's fit to omit, as not told by reporters who know what not to mention.

    Aug 23 2017

    5 mins

  • Chris Uhlmann Makes Himself the Story

    The ABC is tickled pink about the enormous splash its Canberra editor made on social media with a fact-free, opinion-heavy diatribe against Donald Trump and his administration. It seems the national broadcaster's yardstick for excellence is the number of visitors it gets from Twitter's sewer

    Jul 18 2017

    6 mins

  • Brisbane, Poor Brisbane

    What have they done to you, long-abused city of my youth? The pathetic, provincial insecurity of old is still there, just that these days it is expressed vertically by thickets of high-rise eyesores obscuring and overshadowing the architectural remnants of the gracious city that was

    Jul 15 2017

    7 mins

  • Built on a Foundation of Lies

    Brisbane's Anglican Church Grammar School, nominally dedicated to the principle of truth, is about to open a new library from which the name of a revered headmaster has been stripped for no better reasons than the cowardice of the politically correct, most notably that of Queensland Governor Paul de Jersey

    Apr 10 2017

    11 mins

  • The Ripe Aroma of BS and Musk

    Master showman Elon Musk won't solve South Australia’s power crisis and knows he can’t. His intervention is strictly and transparently a ploy to promote the subsidy-soaking Tesla brand and gull a few more suckers. No wonder Premier Weatherill and PM Turnbull were so receptive

    Mar 15 2017

    3 mins

  • The Wirthless Circus

    When the Big Top came to town in the days of my youth it was all razzle-dazzle, bright lights and glitter. But I also recall my disappointment at noticing it was all a bit grubby, the paint chipped and gold braid tarnished -- not unlike the cavalcade of clowns and spruikers parading on Capital Hill

    Feb 13 2017

    4 mins

  • The Royal Commission’s Sin of Omission

    Nothing excuses child sexual abuse, but the question remains: has the Royal Commission's approach to "investigating" complaints lured main-chancers looking for an easy score? In one specific instance with which I am intimately acquainted, that was most certainly the case

    Feb 08 2017

    7 mins

  • A Better Andrew Olle Lecture

    In the thirty-five years since Alex Dix put his intellectual pipe-cleaner through the ABC, the national broadcaster's intellectual, ethical and journalistic debasements have only grown worse. Alas, we cannot expect reform from a timid government and its Q&A-loving leader

    Oct 19 2016

    10 mins

  • The Equal Opportunity Offender

    Charlie Hebdo continues quite deliberately to appall, the very crime that brought slaughter to its editorial floor. Surviving staffers are lucky quake-shaken Italians are a more sanguine lot, just as we all are blessed that the light of its brilliant cruelty yet burns

    Sep 04 2016

    2 mins