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Geoffrey Luck

Geoffrey Luck

The Latest From Geoffrey Luck

  • The Real Story is the ABC

    The provenance of those filing cabinets stuffed with secrets is a hell of a scoop in itself, but the ABC has covered that angle only with gloss. Rather, it sifted and focused on stories that damned the Coalition. In doing so it demonstrated it is above the law and a spineless government beneath contempt

    Feb 01 2018

    6 mins

  • Wolff-Trapped

    Michael Wolff's 'Fire and Fury' begins with the premise that Donald Trump is unfit for office, so he is painted as a main-chancing and unstable ignoramus. That the infamously oleaginous author was granted such access suggests a divided and dysfunctional White House is indeed the case

    Jan 10 2018

    10 mins

  • Plane Truths and Knee-jerk Reporting

    The investigation of the fatal Hawkesbury floatplane crash, which killed six people, has only just begun, but already two things are evident: it is most unlikely the plane's structural integrity prompted the tragedy and near-certain that journalists will persist in advertising their incurious ignorance

    Jan 07 2018

    7 mins

  • The Commission’s Sins, Venial and Mortal

    The Child Abuse Royal Commission was at great pains to document the past while ignoring a much-reformed present. Its greater sin, however, was initiating the decades of interminable disputation that must surely follow, not least about the relationship between church and state

    Dec 19 2017

    8 mins

  • Malignancy

    My brother, a far better man than our Prime Minister, is battling with cheerful and irrepressible optimism a cancer his doctors say is . The Coalition, laid low by the monstrous ego and principle-free desperation of its current leader, prefers to ignore the tumour that is killing it

    Nov 25 2017

    3 mins

  • Space Between Their Ears

    Fresh from flogging his gold-plated batteries to basket-case South Australia,  tax-hoovering entrepreneur Elon Musk has announced a Mars mission. A trusting media lapped it up, of course, which left me a little irked. You see, I had the greatest space scoop of all time and the ABC blew it

    Oct 04 2017

    5 mins

  • Sodom and Tomorrow

    Don't be misled by those determined to see the word 'marriage' re-defined, as if it all starts and stops at spun-sugar same-sex couples atop wedding cakes. This is a totalitarian movement champing at the bit for a 'Yes' victory. After that the real re-making of society can begin

    Sep 29 2017

    9 mins

  • The Rotten Stench of ‘Little Fish’

    The errors in 'Little Fish are Sweet' are serial and not trivial, smacking of laziness and a refusal to approach sources who might contradict the lurid tales of a conman and extortionist. That this book is now in the running for Queensland's most prestigious award is a further disgrace

    Sep 12 2017

    7 mins

  • Citizenship Advice, Italian-Style

    Not to engage in ethnic stereotypes, but while Italians make wonderful cars, beautiful clothes, fine coffee and delicious meals, they're not much revered for competent bureaucrats. As the son of an Italian mum, Senator Matt Canavan should have known to disregard consular advice on his citizenship

    Aug 25 2017

    4 mins