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Geoffrey Luck

Geoffrey Luck

The Latest From Geoffrey Luck

  • ‘Green’ aviation fuel: Death by regulation?

    The latest fatal helicopter crash in the Northern Territory raises serious questions about the use of low-lead aviation fuel, mandated for environmental reasons, and its part in the premature ageing and failure of engine parts. In this case my interest goes beyond the technical: the pilot was a member of my extended family

    Dec 02 2018

    5 mins

  • Muhammad’s Bloody Creed

    Islamic groups, leftists and empty-headed multiculturalists did everything they could to foil the publication of Robert Spencer's new book on the history of jihad. No wonder. With the possible exception of thuggee stranglers, there has never been a religion more devoted to rape, murder and conquest

    Nov 01 2018

    15 mins

  • Wanted: New Ringmaster for the ABC

    Until we know more about why the board terminated Michelle Guthrie it is impossible to tell what the prospects for reforming the ABC are likely to be. What we do know is that her replacement will almost certainly fail to see the charter observed and nothing will change

    Sep 25 2018

    6 mins

  • The Opioid Theatre Inside My Head

    The hospital dosed me with a potent painkiller after a recent operation and suddenly the TV became a source of endless fascination, alive with engrossing images. This was very odd indeed, as it wasn't turned on at the time. There was no refuge from hallucinations, not even with eyes tight shut

    Sep 23 2018

    6 mins

  • Dear Senator Faruqi…

    You're a Green with all goofy self-importance that implies, but as a representative of the people -- all the people, that is -- could you quit slandering your adopted homeland? I mean, if Australia is a hotbed of injustice and oppression, how does that square with your defence of arranged marriages?

    Aug 20 2018

    4 mins

  • DFAT’s Dills

    My daughter was born in Port Moresby in 1958, while I was on assignment for the ABC and PNG was an Australian protectorate. So what, you might think? Well thinking is evidently beyond the Passport Office's seat-warmers and paper-shufflers, who have just declared her "stateless"

    Jul 23 2018

    4 mins

  • Anatomy of a Scam

    My friend, Arthur, is far from stupid, yet he was seduced into parting with his hard-earned cash by slick and accomplished  online con artists. In his case the monetary loss was small even if the resulting inconvenience was not. let his experience be a lesson to all

    Apr 14 2018

    10 mins

  • An Over-egged Easter Island Fable

    There is a perverse reassurance in knowing Australia's media class is not alone in casting every unpleasant or unexpected natural event as yet further 'proof' of Gaia's revenge on our carbon-spewing species. When it comes to global warming, the New York Times is just as silly as Fairfax and the ABC

    Mar 19 2018

    3 mins

  • The Arrogant and Inviolate ABC

    That the national broadcaster broke the law in the Cabinet Files matter is beyond dispute, yet there was our craven PM on Insiders vowing grief for an unknown public servant while uttering not a peep against those who shared the documents among themselves and broadcast their contents to the world

    Feb 04 2018

    9 mins