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Geoffrey Luck

Geoffrey Luck

The Latest From Geoffrey Luck

  • Flatten the Curve, Fatten the Crisis

    From the pandemic's dawning, Wuhan's horrific numbers were extrapolated, deliberately or subliminally, to imply what awaited this nation, with a draconian shutdown urged as the only effective response. That our leaders saw the epidemic only through the medicos' monocular prism set the stage for economic catastrophe

    Mar 27 2020

    5 mins

  • Italians, Statistics, the Virus and Us

    The rubbery figures coming out of Lombardy and other hardest-hit regions demonstrate how misleading -- indeed, useless -- it can be to extrapolate from another country’s experience. Australia's demographics, lifestyle, housing and health system are entirely different

    Mar 24 2020

    6 mins

  • The Case for an Aerial Firefighting Fleet

    The terms of reference for the just-announced Royal Commission, as anticipated, concentrate on hazard reduction and climate change, but will also cover the role of the Çommonwealth in bushfires. This is the opportunity to re-define the role of aviation as much more than an afterthought

    Feb 20 2020

    10 mins

  • Bad Fire Policies, Dead Heroes

    When three men were killed in their C-130 water bomber last month the usual suspects came up with the usual rationales, blaming everything from global warming to the PM's alleged fealty to evil coal barons. If the victims are to be honoured with the truth they deserve, the policy of waging war on fire from above demands a comprehensive review

    Feb 02 2020

    3 mins

  • Whip Me, ABC, Thrash Me Again

    Why would the Prime Minister, any Coalition MP for that matter, continue to subject himself to the indignity of being interviewed by the ABC's barrow-pushing presenters. More than that, why does the Coalition continue to underwrite the national broadcaster's bias with such lavish public funding?

    Jan 09 2020

    6 mins

  • The Pell Outrage: ‘Vibe’ Trumps Veracity

    The difference in perception between the judges who let the conviction stand and their dissenting colleague could not be more clear. On one hand, two believed the accuser because, well, they believed him. On the other, a very critical eye indeed. Only the High Court can settle this one

    Aug 23 2019

    11 mins

  • Freedom of Speech: How Now Folau?

    A British appeals court's ruling that echoes many of the issues central to the looming battle between Rugby Australia and the ousted star has been hailed as 'a godsend' for the banned Wallaby'. Well, yes, so it might be prove -- or not, as a closer reading of the judgment raises as many questions as are answered

    Jul 08 2019

    8 mins

  • Election Fraud and the AEC

    After the 2016 federal election, 18,343 people were asked to explain why their names had been crossed off more than once. Some 7,743 allegations of voter fraud were referred to the Australian Federal Police, only 65 were investigated, and none was prosecuted. The Australian Electoral Commission's official position, incredibly, is that there are no grounds for suspicion

    Jun 29 2019

    12 mins

  • A Little Less Preciousness

    Ordinary citizens cannot see how their parliament can possibly legislate superior protection for individuals who seek, on the claimed basis of the public interest, to break the law by handing documents to reporters. Speaking as a journalist, neither can I

    Jun 18 2019

    10 mins