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Geoffrey Luck

Geoffrey Luck

The Latest From Geoffrey Luck

  • Vale Geoffrey Luck: A Life Lived Down To The Wire

    The news came this morning that Geoffrey Luck, contributor and dear friend of Quadrant, had passed away in the night. Republished from 2014 is his account as a novice aviator of a Gypsy Moth's encounter with powerlines, an incident that very nearly the robbed the world of a lauded ABC journalist and, later, a frequent critic of his former employer. Geoff, you are missed already

    Dec 22 2021

    19 mins

  • The ABC’s Reign of Error – Part II

    Complain about a nakedly biased report -- in this instance the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse -- and the ABC's complaints unit will invest considerable effort in explaining why black is white, up is down and why a foreign correspondent's editorialising is actually straight-bat reporting

    Dec 16 2021

    5 mins

  • Decoding a Satire: Kenneth Cook on the ABC

    Little known these days and out of print, 'Chain of Darkness' is nevertheless a book worth tracking down. An acidic roman-à-clef inspired by a gifted journalist's stint with the ABC in the early days of TV news, it will lead readers to an unavoidable conclusion: then as now, the national broadcaster was a poorly managed dysfunctional mess, just in a different way

    Jun 09 2021

    14 mins

  • Fair, Reasonable … and Proven Incorrect

    The takeover battle for Vital Harvest Trust, a primary producer sought by Macquarie and subsequent bidders, kicked off with a per-share offer of $1, which an independent appraiser reckoned was about right. Since then the bids have soared -- a reminder that the declaration of an offer being in shareholders' best interests may be nothing of the kind

    Apr 30 2021

    3 mins

  • The Bloody Scandal of Italy’s Rehab Cult

    The urbane, charming and well-heeled Vincenzo Muccioli was generally reckoned something of a saint for his work with Italy's drug addicts. Then the battered corpse of a recovering junkie turned up in a village tip. It soon emerged that things at his sprawling San Patrignano rehab centre were nothing like what they seemed

    Dec 24 2020

    13 mins

  • Hail Joe Biden, Commander in Cheat

    A team of cyber-security analysts, all with backgrounds in defence and national security, has conducted a court-authorised forensic examination of voting machines in Michigan's Antrim County. The conclusion: the Dominion voting machines don't merely allow fraud, they are specifically designed to facilitate it

    Dec 15 2020

    5 mins

  • Foresight ignored, as hindsight makes clear

    The chief threat to life is in nursing homes, which everyone knew from the start as zones of greatest risk. So what did the architects of lockdown mania do? They heeded absurd models and splurged on unused respirators while, to cite but one example, the Ruby Princess debacle unfolded unimpeded

    May 04 2020

    4 mins

  • We’ll Pay in Pain When the Bill Comes Due

    Australia will be begin to face the real crisis when the Wuhan virus has run its course, leaving us with an unnecessarily weakened economy and parlous financial position in a crippled world. That damage will have been inflicted in the name of compassion, a noble sentiment, but no substitute for common sense

    Apr 11 2020

    8 mins

  • One Dozen Dissenting Second Opinions

    'Grotesque, absurd and dangerous' is how epidemiologist Sucharit Bhakdi describes Germany's response to the Wuhan virus, a response mild by comparison with Australia's blizzard of edicts banning everything from recreational fishing to ammunition sales. Although little reported, Dr Bhakdi is far from alone

    Apr 01 2020

    8 mins