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Gary Scarrabelotti

Gary Scarrabelotti

The Latest From Gary Scarrabelotti

  • Seeing Rights Where There Are None

    Depending on its gravity, trying to live a lie exposes us to the risk of internal meltdown. We need, consequently, for our lie to be lived by others so that, through them, our new ‘reality’ might be confirmed. Laws allowing the gender designation on birth certificates to be amended according to preference are just such a betrayal of truth

    Oct 06 2019

    6 mins

  • Abbott’s Return from the Wilderness

    The ousted PM has served the highest interests of his party and its supporters by declaring openly and emphatically that the Turnbull government is doomed. He may well be the only person who can rally disenchanted and deserting Liberals to the cause of renewing the party's Menzian vision

    Mar 08 2017

    8 mins