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Gary Johns

Gary Johns

The Latest From Gary Johns

  • ‘We Looked and There Was No Safe Family’

    The proportions of Aboriginal children and young people placed in a relative or kin placement or with an Aboriginal foster carer have decreased, and the proportion of Aboriginal children who were reunified with their families has declined.

    Sep 09 2024

    17 mins

  • Two Australias: One a Fantasy, the Other Gruesome Truth

    Not only do the purveyors of imagined Aboriginal culture insult us while making us pay for favoured fantasies, their patronising advocacy for the 'world's oldest culture' helps to sustain barbaric initiations that still go on in places like West Arnhem Land. How proud must the urban sophisticates be to know their support locks fresh generations into lives of dependent hopelessness

    Oct 14 2023

    5 mins

  • Intergenerational Trauma and All That

    There is no love for Aborigines in this referendum proposal, just ego. Aboriginal people in remote and blighted communities are radically disabled. They are self-determining all right -- sitting on country, not speaking English and dying early. Aboriginal leaders, CEOs and the Prime Minister think this is a good idea. That must be their view, because their solution is to change nothing

    Aug 22 2023

    12 mins

  • Lessons from the Whitlam Years

    The madness of the period was unmistakable, few instances more so than the 1973 referenda asking voters to give the Commonwealth power over prices and incomes. Fortunately, it lost, albeit setting a precedent for the Albanese government to be just as silly in its attempts to control the Australian energy market, and to tell Australians that they should hand Aboriginal leaders what would amount to a national 'black cabinet'

    Jul 12 2023

    5 mins

  • A Foolish and Dangerous Idea

    A stupid idea, once embedded in the heads of intellectuals, […]

    Feb 27 2023

    5 mins

  • Reframing the Debate in Aboriginal Affairs

    Integration works. Just ask the vast majority of Aborigines who […]

    Nov 29 2022

    7 mins

  • Reframing the Debate in Aboriginal Affairs

    The Aboriginal industry, those people who are tutored to promote an almost always undefined Aboriginal culture, stand in the way of successful integration. If their goal is to support Aboriginal culture the result will be precisely the same as it has been for generations. Those who escape culture succeed. Those who remain captive find culture a burden.

    Oct 28 2022

    7 mins

  • Integration versus Segregation

    Where Aborigines have been ‘ghettoised’ -- whether in Redfern, Aurukun or Wadeye -- the result has been the same: appalling physical and moral degradation in a culture entrapped in despair. The path out of the ghetto lies in changing the behaviour of individuals, not the dominant society

    Jul 11 2022

    6 mins

  • The Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Peoples

    Voices for and against re-writing the Constitution met recently at a Quadrant symposium in Sydney. As editor Keith Windschuttle put it, if the Commonwealth goes ahead with the referendum, it should fund and publicise a fully investigated, well-articulated case for voting No.

    Aug 02 2017

    35 mins