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Gary Furnell

Gary Furnell

The Latest From Gary Furnell

  • Distorting Justice

    A population with a large proportion of people dependent on welfare payments, easily cowed by forceful authority, heavily influenced by social media, insufficiently sceptical of the 24-hour news cycle and partly fuddled by alcohol and drugs will not suddenly express prudent values. Those who seek to shape and control know this

    Aug 25 2024

    19 mins

  • Thy Kingdom Come

    'Unsure what I was admitting, sensing a scary but exciting liberation -- a clarifying shift in my vision of myself and the world -- I stared ahead. It was as if some lens in my mind had clicked into focus: what was blurry was now clear'

    May 04 2024

    8 mins

  • A Christmas Carol: Remorse, Self-Consciousness and Spirit

    Charles Dickens (1812–70) was perhaps the greatest novelist of the […]

    Nov 30 2023

    14 mins

  • Australia Could Use a Machiavelli

    If Australia finds itself in a real crisis—not a COVID crisis or climate change crisis—when our freedom, our homes and lives are threatened by aggressors, then we’ll wish we had read and absorbed the best of Machiavelli’s advice. In a sense, he wrote a book during violent times for violent times

    Mar 06 2023

    15 mins

  • How to be Free and Affluent

    We’re blest to have The Fortunate to remind us of all that has accrued -- in politics and philosophy, in industry and in our economy -- for our good. The wealth and liberties didn’t just happen; they aren’t an accident of history. They came through the careful work and thought of generations of robust, enterprising people.

    Jan 31 2023

    13 mins

  • Vaclav Havel on Defying a System of Lies

    Any system built on lies will eventually collapse, but it will cause great harm before this collapse and what replaces it may not be any better. Throughout, decent people will need to protect their own humanness by developing virtue and bravely living in truth

    Nov 27 2022

    13 mins

  • Jane Austen on Truth and Courtship

    Men and women who don’t have the vocation of marriage -- those who are psychologically immature and lacking the needed skills -- but who get married anyway will find their lives very difficult and divorce frequent. They and their children pay the price of conditioning by a culture that doesn’t value careful discernment, traditional virtues and, above all, prudence

    Feb 20 2022

    9 mins

  • Who’s Out in Heaven?

    In our coastal town as Christmas approaches, droves of holiday-makers […]

    Nov 30 2021

    11 mins

  • Silencing Devils: The Wisdom of Koestler and Kierkegaard

    Arthur Koestler’s 1940 novel Darkness at Noon is a masterpiece. […]

    Oct 29 2021

    9 mins