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Gary Christian

Gary Christian

The Latest From Gary Christian

  • A Divergence of Two Compassions

    If gay-rights proponents believe that redefining marriage will ultimately destroy it, as some of the campaign's more forthright advocates openly concede, defenders of traditional marriage most certainly cannot be cast as either alarmist or mean-spirited

    Aug 17 2016

    14 mins

  • Confronting Drug Legalisation

    Acceptance of drug use will remain a threat to the community while the likes of George Soros pour multiple millions into the campaign, and so long as advocates such as Johann Hari and the fictions of his book, 'Chasing the Scream', remain unchallenged

    May 14 2016

    33 mins

  • Blinded by the Dominant Ideology

    Immobilised by the internationally amplified glare of “the greatest moral, […]

    Nov 01 2010

    30 mins