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Garth Paltridge

Garth Paltridge

The Latest From Garth Paltridge

  • Climate’s Uncertainty Principle

    The bottom line of politically correct thought on the matter of regulating the planet's long-term weather, especially the near-religious belief that we must collectively do something drastic right now to prevent climate change, is so full of holes that it brings the overall sanity of mankind into question

    Apr 05 2019

    8 mins

  • The Depths of the Climateers’ Deception

    Stonewalled in his efforts to grasp how US scientists turned an 18-year pause into a temperature increase, a powerful congressman is on the warpath. Even as the climate-change establishment heads to Paris, its scam is much closer to surfacing than the heat they now insist is hiding in the deep ocean

    Nov 23 2015

    4 mins

  • Climate Change’s Inherent Uncertainties

    Virtually all scientists directly involved in climate prediction are aware of the enormous uncertainties associated with their product. How is it that they can place hands over hearts and swear that human emissions of carbon dioxide are wrecking the planet?

    Jan 22 2014

    10 mins

  • Greening science

    The issue of climate change is now the classic example of post-normal science, originated and serviced by a research machine funded massively and almost entirely by a government department dedicated to drastic alteration of society in the name of fixing the ‘problem’ of global warming.

    Mar 29 2012

    8 mins

  • What’s the great hurry?

    If one really believes in doing something expensive about limiting climate change, there is probably no great reason for doing it now. Adaption to climate change in the future will be just as easy (or as difficult) as would be adaption now.

    Jun 19 2011

    2 mins

  • Selling climate doom

    Professor Garnaut seems completely sold on the idea that only scientists directly within the global-warming research community can give authoritative advice on climate change.

    Mar 16 2011

    2 mins