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Gabriël Moens

Gabriël Moens

The Latest From Gabriël Moens

  • Rejecting the Sanctity of Life

    In Belgium and the Netherlands, trailblazers of right-to-die legislation, the laws regulating voluntary suicide have gradually been extended to allow children as young as nine years of age to end their lives. What we are seeing is the West turning away from a culture of life to one that embraces and exalts death

    Jun 20 2024

    5 mins

  • From America, a Lesson Unheeded

    The SCOTUS decision in Brown vs Board of Education rejected government-sponsored 'separate but equal' apartheid, insisting the law must be blind to skin colour and lineage. In Australia, however, the repudiation of equality before the law continues unabated. Indeed, it has only accelerated after the failure of the Voice

    May 07 2024

    5 mins

  • Unlike Warmists, Numbers Don’t Lie

    There is no 'climate emergency', just a man-made political weapon used to scare and indoctrinate children, pollute the minds of the ill-informed and gullible and allow politicians and aspiring social engineers to pursue their not-so-hidden agendas. A new study charting CO2 level and Sydney temperatures makes the case

    Mar 04 2024

    7 mins

  • When Race Matters Above All Else

    The evidence, of which the University of Queensland's employment agreement is but the latest sad example, confirms Australia is becoming a country where opportunities, promotions and perks are determined by race. Only the implementation of true race-blind equality can foster the aspirations and contributions of all Australians

    Feb 16 2024

    5 mins

  • When Young Napoleon Missed the Boat

    The story of Lapérouse’s expedition to the Pacific is noteworthy for reasons other than his narrow loss to Arthur Phillip in the race to Sydney Cove and. after that, his unfortunate fate. Had a certain 16-year-old's application to join the expedition been accepted the world would differ markedly from that which we know today

    Jan 20 2024

    4 mins

  • A Voice at the Back Door

    Defeated at the polls, the Albanese government, according to Linda Burney, is actively seeking to implement what might be called Voice-Lite via local and regional bodies. Australians who voted 'No' are entitled to feel scammed, but not Canberra's eager bureaucracy

    Jan 09 2024

    5 mins

  • Obscure and Confused Notions of Aboriginality

    ‘Aboriginality’ has developed into an amorphous, undefinable concept that has steadily been expanded to cover cultural traits that differ from the mainstream population. If the astonishing growth of those who self-identify as indigenous continues apace, it would be useless, even irresponsible, to entrench the Voice in the Constitution

    Jul 19 2023

    5 mins

  • How Early Voting Erodes Faith in Elections

    Even if we accept the dubious proposition that early voting does not facilitate cheating and electoral fraud, as its defenders insist, it remains a practice that endangers democracy by encouraging premature decisions. Shouldn't voters be required to wait at least until candidates have faced off in open debate before making their choices?

    Nov 18 2022

    5 mins

  • Some Further Thoughts on Christian Porter’s Tribulations

    A ruling by the Supreme Court of South Australia holds that, unlike criminal cases, the presumption of innocence may not apply 'in the civil arena.' That may well be one reason why the former attorney-general's defamation action was discontinued and a settlement reached

    Jul 05 2021

    10 mins