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Frank K. Salter

Frank K. Salter

The Latest From Frank K. Salter

  • The Undermining of Parental Love and Authority

    Accelerating attacks on the heterosexual family by an intrusive state […]

    Jun 29 2021

    39 mins

  • How to Get the Education Establishment’s Attention

    Historian David Starkey has a worthwhile proposal: if immersion in the many grievances of identity politics represents an 'education' those who favour it should foot the bill. After infuriating rounds of correspondence with NSW bureaucrats, it is clear that only defunding can avoid another generation of brainwashed dolts

    Jul 11 2020

    14 mins

  • Comorbidity in the English Curriculum

    Australian schools are coming out of shutdown, where for many […]

    Jun 29 2020

    7 mins

  • The Inherent Racism of SBS

    When Ray Martin donned his most earnest expression, rounded up a camera crew and went looking for Australian racism what little he found must have been a grave disappointment. Had he genuinely wished to find obnoxious stereotypes, he might have started with the broadcaster itself

    Jan 09 2018

    30 mins

  • Eugenics, Ready or Not (Part II)

    Regarding ethics, wisdom lies with the Christian critics of eugenics who repudiate treating humans as means to ends. Regarding government, the safest response to the new market eugenics is to leave choices to parents but regulate where necessary to protect children and social cohesion

    Jun 24 2015

    28 mins

  • Eugenics, Ready or Not

    Despite warnings by moral conservatives, advances in genetics and reproductive technology have created the conditions for a consumer-driven mass eugenics industry. Like it or not, science is about to pose a slather of moral, ethical and societal dilemmas

    May 11 2015

    49 mins