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E.R. Drabik

E.R. Drabik

The Latest From E.R. Drabik

  • The Coalition’s Immigration Challenge

    Hand-over-fist immigration levels are straining hospitals, roads, public transport, affordable housing, jobs and the nation's cultural cohesion. If the Prime Minister has any political nous -- a dubious proposition, admittedly -- he'll address this issue before his backbenchers do it for him

    Jan 14 2018

    7 mins

  • Our Great Immigration Non-Debate

    The transmutation of Australia into a kaleidoscope of diasporic communities -- most with shallow roots in this land and little connection to each other -- represents a social experiment on a colossal scale. To mention this transformation, however, is to incite cries of 'xenophobe' and 'racist'

    Oct 06 2017

    11 mins

  • The Great Immigration Non-debate

    If the only justification for sky-high immigration is it’s “good for the economy”, it is a policy fundamentally flawed. Judged through the prism of existing citizens' interests, there is no economic case that can justify the transformative changes  current policies are inflicting

    Jul 26 2017

    12 mins