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Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray

The Latest From Douglas Murray

  • Europe’s Fatal Contradiction

    Even more than most other first-world nations modern Europe suffers […]

    Dec 01 2015

    8 mins

  • A Society Ripe for Submission

    His imagining of an Islamic France is no simple provocation. Rather, this deep, gripping and haunting novel is a recent high-point for European fiction. No current writer gets anywhere near Houellebecq’s achievement in finding a fictional way into the darkest and most necessary corners of our time

    Nov 17 2015

    16 mins

  • Of Two Minds About a Singular Peril

    Many physical casualties are yet to come. But the next political casualties should be the entire political class who have refused for so long to face some very bitter truths of their own devising. After Paris, they can be no longer seek asylum from reality in the merry myth of multiculturalism

    Nov 16 2015

    8 mins