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Douglas Drummond

Douglas Drummond

The Latest From Douglas Drummond

  • The Queensland Government Endorses Domestic Violence

    The Left and most of the Australian mainstream are ignorant of or refuse to acknowledge the harmful features of traditional Aboriginal culture. Many think of the pre-contact continent as a virtual Eden where all lived in peace and harmony before being destroyed by rapacious white colonists. The truth, radically different from the treaty-mandated exercise in propaganda called 'truth telling', is otherwise -- and yet this is what is being taught to children

    Jun 16 2023

    20 mins

  • A Discordant Voice in a Culture of Consensus

    Representative decision-making by a majority vote of elected representatives is integral to Western governance processes, while Aboriginal culture, as Mick Dodson has explained, requires decisions be achieved by consensus. To see how difficult this can be and usually is, look to the much frustrated saga of the North Stradbroke Island native title claim

    Mar 24 2023

    5 mins

  • ‘Enormous resource’? Only When Lies Are Revered

    The spreading of false information to children in Queensland's schools about the 'enormous resource of traditional culture' under the guise of education would not so long ago have evoked loud and spirited public condemnation. Now the feel-good myths of Aborigines inhabiting a pacific and harmonious pre-settlement Eden are to be endorsed by the full authority of an Act of the Parliament

    Mar 03 2023

    22 mins

  • How Metropolitan Activists Would Dictate the Voice

    Peter Smith says in his recent Quadrant Online article, “No […]

    Feb 27 2023

    4 mins

  • The Dubious Concept of the ‘Australian Wars’

    Much ink has been spilled in recent decades in arguments […]

    Nov 29 2022

    8 mins

  • So, Henry, Where Are the Medals?

    It was the imperial custom to honour service in colonial wars with medals or bars, even to the most minor campaigns involving but a few score soldiers or sailors. Are Brendan Nelson and his fellow wind vanes on the AWM Council not even a little curious that no such decorations mark what Professor Reynolds insists was a bona fide 'colonial war' on Aborigines?

    Nov 03 2022

    8 mins

  • The Voice: Maori Activists Set an Example

    In an article recently published in the Courier Mail titled […]

    Aug 30 2021

    9 mins

  • The Voice: Maori Activists’ Cautionary Lesson

    Because Maoris used the stars to navigate, a NZ tribunal has ruled their descendants are entitled to a slice of the electro-magnetic spectrum. That imaginative lawyers and activist judges can produce such arguments on demand is a given -- and a warning of what lies ahead should the Voice ever be engraved in an amended Australian Constitution

    Jun 23 2021

    9 mins

  • Daniel Andrews’ Bold Gendarmes

    Incitement is the perfect crime for politicians keen to crush dissent, the perfect tool for their compliant police. Consider, for example, Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius' defence of the officers who arrested and charged the pyjama-clad and heavily pregnant Zoe Buhler, an incident he cited as proof his officers don't discriminate. Oh, but they do, they most certainly do

    Jan 08 2021

    3 mins