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Doug Morrissey

Doug Morrissey

The Latest From Doug Morrissey

  • The Outlaw of Spring Street

    It has been 140 years since Ned Kelly held innocent Victorians hostage at Glenrowan, costing two of them their lives. Things are a bit different these days: an entire state is the captive of a Premier whose every latest entry in a growing ledger of incompetence is matched by the further, step-by-step dismantling of his subjects' liberties

    Sep 22 2020

    8 mins

  • The Silliest Ned Kelly Movie Yet

    In its own way the latest cinematic saga of the Glenrowan outlaws is true to Peter Carey’s Booker Prize-winning book, of which the author has said, “It’s the most invented, made-up book I’ve ever written.” With its plethora of absurdities and falsehoods, True History of the Kelly Gang does Carey proud

    Nov 04 2019

    10 mins

  • Time to Bury the Ned Kelly Myth

    It suits the purposes of republicans and others to promote the Kelly clan as freedom fighters. What tosh! They had much more in common with modern Melbourne's ethnic gangsters, who loot, terrorise and fence their stolen goods through a network of more experienced criminals

    Jun 18 2017

    23 mins

  • The Notorious Widow Kelly

    Apart from fancifully reconstructing a conversation between a mother and her outlaw son, author Grantlee Kieza breaks no new ground in this latest addition to the ever-expanding trove of books that present a wild, lawless and thoroughly disreputable family as oppressed heroes

    May 13 2017

    9 mins