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Doug Brown

Doug Brown

The Latest From Doug Brown

  • The Fictional History of Peter Read

    In applying the fruits of a prodigious imagination the father of the Stolen Generations myth is saying he has extensively researched Aboriginal child removals and is therefore competent to make up 'facts' about a specific case. Garnish with florid prose -- 'She turns to stare at the aching blue of the Harbour' -- and what you get isn't history or anything like it

    Sep 05 2022

    11 mins

  • Imprisonment Achieves More Than You Think

    The Productivity Commission's recent research paper on the cost-effectiveness of prisons in reduxing crime states, 'The literature has consistently found that incapacitation through incarceration leads to significant reductions in crime.' Couldn't be more clear, right? Not to the report's self-same authors, who proceed to endorse a rather dim view of imprisonment's efficacy as a response to crime

    Mar 15 2022

    15 mins