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Donald Richardson

Donald Richardson

The Latest From Donald Richardson

  • Why Do Architects Want to Be Artists?

    Design is a value system in its own right and does not need to piggy-back on art to prove its value. Indeed, it could be maintained that architecture and town planning are ethically, if not aesthetically, superior to art because of the magnitude and social relevance of the things they create

    Dec 30 2017

    8 mins

  • What is Art? The Henson Fallout

    It is a matter for extreme regret that nothing good or positive came out of the controversy arising from the recent publication of a photograph of a nude thirteen-year-old girl by Bill Henson. The Australian art world missed a golden opportunity to explain to an obviously compliant public what art is and how it can be distinguished from pornography.

    Dec 01 2008

    11 mins

  • The Problem of Aboriginal Art

    The federal government’s inquiry into various matters relating to Aboriginal […]

    Oct 01 2008

    7 mins