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Des Moore

Des Moore

The Latest From Des Moore

  • Global science or global panic?

    My assessment is not based primarily on scientific analysis but on many years in Treasury and outside of analysing proposals for government intervention to solve perceived “crises”. Much analysis of the present proposal requires little more than common sense.

    Sep 07 2009

    15 mins

  • Think Green, Vote Liberal

    The astonishing bipartisanship on an environmental issue that threatens Australia’s ability to compete internationally has quickly inspired a startling proposal on “how to save” Malcolm Turnbull by “doing a Whitlam”.

    Aug 24 2009

    6 mins

  • I was there

    I asked David Karoly why he had not replied to my invitation to attend a lecture by a US scientist who described the kind of science he presented as a “scam”. K said he was on leave, to which I responded “you could have replied”.

    Aug 24 2009

    4 mins

  • ETS Forum – The Great Climate Scam

    The IPCC projection of the “very likely” average temperature increase to 2100 has a range of uncertainty that is so wide (50-60 per cent) as to make it meaningless for policy decision-making.

    Aug 10 2009

    6 mins

  • Rudd servants or public servants?

    The timing and framing of this first survey of environmental views and behaviour is not inconsistent with the apparently increasing tendency of the public service to serve the interests of the government rather than the wider national interest.

    Jun 29 2009

    5 mins

  • Major changes in views on the environment

    Surveys have obvious implications in terms of the all-important US policy position on global warming. Unfortunately, our major political parties seem way behind the ball game in gauging both community attitudes and the fundamental flaws in the science used in reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    Jun 22 2009

    4 mins

  • Observations on Government Policies

    Prime Minister Rudd is clearly wrong in attributing the crisis to policies that reflect the neo-liberal views of free marketeers. President Obama is also wrong in taking a similar view in the United States, as is Prime Minister Gordon Brown in the UK.

    May 27 2009

    25 mins

  • More Control, Less Prosperity

    In the second reading speech introducing the Fair Work Bill, […]

    Mar 31 2009

    18 mins

  • Obama – an Australian view

    The Institute of International Affairs in Melbourne has got a new life. One result is that on 5 Feb, 2009, we had a brilliant presentation by Greg Sheridan on Obama and what he might mean for US foreign/defence policies and for US/Aus relations.

    Feb 07 2009

    6 mins