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Des Moore

Des Moore

The Latest From Des Moore

  • Warmists desperate fightback

    Those fightingback are trying desperately to dismiss the growing revelations that not only is the science used by the so-called consensus highly (and increasingly) uncertain but so too are the temperatures used as statistical backing for that science.

    Apr 27 2010

    6 mins

  • Wheeler Centre’s big fix

    Of the 30 “best people addressing the climate problem now”, the Alfred Deakin lecturers all appear to be warmists, and include John Brumby and Malcolm Turnbull. Scientists with any knowledge of the global warming debate are in short supply and there are no sceptics.

    Apr 27 2010

    5 mins

  • The Islamist Threat to Australian Security

    In a seventy-seven-page judgment on February 15, New South Wales […]

    Apr 01 2010

    27 mins

  • Climate inquiry, now

    The State of Climate report can only be described as offering a grossly inadequate assessment of both past trends and possible future trends in climate. The many inadequacies offer the Coalition an opportunity to demand an independent inquiry into the science being used to back the dangerous warming thesis.

    Mar 30 2010

    10 mins

  • The IPCC’s flawed data

    A major new analysis by two Australian scientists shows that the temperature data published by the IPCC and other organisations has been manipulated to give the appearance of a warming trend - but not one that has actually occurred. This analysis has major international implications in regard to the policies to be adopted by countries on emissions reductions.

    Jan 31 2010

    8 mins

  • Monckton in Australia

    The Australian has performed best in giving space to sceptics and dissenters but has stuck to the save the planet line in its editorials, some say because Rupert Murdoch said so publicly. Yet in a personal communication with Murdoch he indicated his scepticism to me.

    Jan 24 2010

    6 mins

  • The Limits to State Regulation

    It is now more than thirteen years since I established […]

    Dec 01 2009

    24 mins

  • Political insurgency in Higgins

    It may well be that Rudd regards Turnbull as close to a best friend who needs to be kept as Opposition leader.

    Nov 15 2009

    10 mins

  • Liberals – Whither goest thou?

    The essence of the problem is the lack of any coherent set of policies that might convey what kind of society the Party considers Australians should have and how that might be achieved.

    Sep 21 2009

    13 mins