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Des Moore

Des Moore

The Latest From Des Moore

  • Garnaut fails Australia

    Ross Garnaut’s failure to recognise the continued criticisms of and questions raised about the whole basis (as distinct from one or two specifics) of the dangerous warming theory since the 2008 Review is little short of amazing.

    Feb 06 2011

    9 mins

  • Climate inquiry needed

    The latest display of highly questionable opinions and supposedly factual statements by “experts” strengthens the case for a proper independent inquiry.

    Jan 09 2011

    8 mins

  • The victory that might have been

    A question remains as to whether the Victorian Opposition differentiated itself sufficiently: it is not unreasonable to suggest that a potentially major victory may have been lost.

    Nov 28 2010

    6 mins

  • Clarity on the Murray

    Is there a real threat to the Murray-Darling Basin system? Southern Australia has only been getting drier in comparison to the very wet 1950s and 1970s. It is not drier with respect to the first half of the 20th century.

    Nov 01 2010

    5 mins

  • The Threat from Islamic Extremism

    My article in the April Quadrant, “The Escalating Islamist Threat […]

    Nov 01 2010

    29 mins

  • Opening closed minds

    The Royal Society’s most devastating statement for alarmists is that “It is not possible to determine exactly how much the Earth will warm or exactly how the climate will change in the future”.

    Oct 07 2010

    5 mins

  • Check Australian measurements – NOW

    Gillard’s speech suggests a “softening” in the Rudd approach and could conceivably provide the basis for an independent public inquiry into the science or at the least into the temperature measurement series.

    Jun 25 2010

    6 mins

  • Festival of Intolerance

    The Deakin Lectures reflect the continuing fight back by the many politicians and governments, bureaucrats and academics who have locked themselves into the belief that the earth faces a dangerous period of warming unless governments act to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. In effect the Wheeler Centre has been established with taxpayers’ funds as a centre to promote left wing views. 

    May 29 2010

    4 mins

  • As wrong as ABC

    Letter to Catalyst: “A program on science has a particular duty to ensure that misstatements about the scientific facts made on programs, or included  on web sites, are corrected. Your program on the Antarctic has already led a prominent journalist to erroneously accept the presentation in your program.”

    May 06 2010

    6 mins