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Des Moore

Des Moore

The Latest From Des Moore

  • Sceptic at the Herald

    Each weekend the Sydney Morning Herald’s News Review poses a question and  invites answers from four people, most recently they asked a climate sceptic to take part.

    May 21 2012

    5 mins

  • Unfair and unworkable

    The new Fair Work arrangements are not only based on a totally false rationale. They are also an unwarranted infringement of personal freedom.

    Feb 17 2012

    3 mins

  • Crisis or confusion?

    Crisis, crisis, crisis - almost everywhere we turn there is said to be a crisis. But does this mean we are seriously threatened by some event that we cannot avoid and, if so, what is the extent of damage that might occur to our lives?

    Nov 23 2011

    16 mins

  • Can Government quit spending?

    Shadow Treasurer Hockey was reported last week as identifying possible cuts in Federal government spending of $50-70 billion over the next four years.

    Aug 22 2011

    6 mins

  • Taxing our credulity

    The most disturbing aspect relates to the apparent absence of  any common sense at the political level and the apparent inability to recognise the seriousness of the critiques by people who are not driving a political agenda.

    Aug 09 2011

    9 mins

  • Plotting a course for disaster

    The meaninglessness of the economic modelling, and the failure to recognise the now widespread scepticism with the science, offer another example of this government’s failure and inability to change when the circumstances obviously require that.

    Jun 12 2011

    9 mins

  • Scare or science?

    The Steffen report provides no sound basis for Australia to adopt a carbon tax or any other measures to reduce emissions.

    May 31 2011

    4 mins

  • Climate of discontent

    With the continuing shift in Australian opinion polls on the attitude to the causes of warming, it is now becoming conceivable that Abbott might even dare to describe global warming science as a scam.

    Apr 18 2011

    5 mins

  • ABC smothers complaints

    I was waiting to hear the sceptical view, which I assumed would indicate that historical evidence suggests that the extreme weather events are neither unusual nor more frequent. But in vain: no other view was canvassed by Lateline. The ABC was happy.

    Feb 23 2011

    6 mins