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Des Moore

Des Moore

The Latest From Des Moore

  • Climate queries? Ask a paleontologist

    Would you hire a plumber to re-wire your home? If the answer is "yes", then the qualifications, such as they are, of the Climate Change Commission's members will be enough to persuade that the planet really is on its last, overheated legs. The more astute will not be so easily convinced

    Apr 10 2013

    7 mins

  • Our ‘Angry Summer’ was no worse than miffed

    Tim Flannery and his sweaty band of climateers have gone off half-cocked again. That can happen when you send a paleontologist to do a weatherman's job

    Mar 12 2013

    3 mins

  • Obama, Iran and Islamic extremism

    The minefield of the Middle East is no place for a US president disinclined or ill prepared to deal with Iran's nuclear threat and radical Islam's violent mischief

    Oct 31 2012

    3 mins

  • Time to embrace climate heresy?

    Abbott & Co should re-consider the lip service they pay to the global warming shibboleth. Public confidence in alarmists' predictions is waning,  the evidence of economic vandalism grows and, most important of all, the numbers just don't add up

    Oct 24 2012

    4 mins

  • Soft words for hard-core Islam

    Muslim firebrands in the secular West need to be reminded that free speech and the right to offend are two of the West's most cherished liberties. Unfortunately, both in Australia and overseas, our leaders aren't delivering that message

    Oct 06 2012

    6 mins

  • Lights, camera … riots!

    A few minutes of appallingly amateur Youtube footage spark waves of global riots and demands that the West declare religion -- well, one religion -- immune to examination, criticism or parody. Golly, you could almost think it was all planned

    Sep 24 2012

    4 mins

  • Omens of an early poll

    Soothsayers of old examined the entrails of chickens to make their predictions. We can look to the innards of Treasurer Swan’s upbeat appraisal of a slowing economy to surmise what might come next: an election

    Sep 15 2012

    6 mins

  • Warmism’s ebbing tide

    You don't need a climatologist's model to know which way the tide is running in the global warming debate. NSW's decision not to fret quite so much about rising sea levels is the proof

    Sep 12 2012

    3 mins

  • An early election?

    It’s not a prospect any Labor supporter will relish, but a delayed poll would likely prove even more painful. Oust Gillard, tweak some policies and hope to catch the Coalition on the hop – that’s the ALP’s last, best hope

    Sep 03 2012

    8 mins