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Declan Mansfield

Declan Mansfield

The Latest From Declan Mansfield

  • Trans activism and ‘The Pill of Murti-Bing’

    Trans rights, to be clear, are human rights. But in the effort to advance trans rights we have been told, at the risk of being called bigots, losing our jobs, our reputations, or of being cancelled, to believe things that are beyond the powers of ordinary, logical human beings. This is not only unjust, it’s a recipe for the dissolution of rational thought

    May 04 2021

    8 mins

  • Intellectual Humility vs. Passionate Certainty

    Redemption is absent from the woke catechism, an omission that sees your modern-day Jacobins celebrate each other's morality when destroying the lives and reputations of others. As Aristotle noted, all putative virtues must have their have a dark sides, and just now the gloom deepens by the day

    Feb 27 2021

    7 mins

  • Trump, More Sinned Against Than Sinning

    What did people expect when a democratically elected president is subject to a torrent of abuse, of unrelenting mainstream media lies, false accusations of collusion with Russia, and an impeachment based on a gossamer-thin excuse to remove him from office?  Did they expect that nobody would become enraged at what many people viewed as the Establishment thwarting a democratic mandate?

    Jan 13 2021

    7 mins

  • Leaving the Bunker in Year Zero 2020

    The air, this day of days, feels different. It smells different. Are we the only survivors? Are there others like us who have survived the Orange Armageddon and the four-year zombie onslaught of frothing, red-necked, orc-like Deplorables? Is the nightmare really over and power restored to those with 'studies' degrees whose birthright is to wield it?

    Nov 07 2020

    6 mins

  • The Discrimination Delusion

    I attended university as a mature-age student. Luckily for me, […]

    Oct 31 2020

    7 mins

  • The Hermeneutic Circle of Social Justice

    Police do not kill black Americans in greater numbers than Caucasians and Hispanics. Australian Aborigines do not die in custody more than other Australians. The pay gap between women and men is a myth. Ah, you say, but such 'facts' are articles of modern faith. Well, yes, but only by dent of circular logic and much sleight of hand

    Sep 25 2020

    8 mins

  • The ‘Sneaking Regarders’ and Their Boundless Hypocrisy

    It's an Irish term which describes those who admire political violence, especially terrorism, but are too full of guile to state their admiration publicly. An example of the moment: those who floridly decry Donald Trump with terms like 'Nazi' and 'fascist' while saying nary a bad word against the leftist despotisms they instinctively admire

    Jul 24 2020

    6 mins