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Declan Mansfield

Declan Mansfield

The Latest From Declan Mansfield

  • Our Golden Age of Galloping Hypocrisy

    Hypocrisy is always with us, but something different and more virulent has become the norm. Principles no longer matter. Uttering feel-good platitudes is an end in itself, and the mere appearance of virtue is now synonymous with actually being virtuous. To appear good, just post some dim-witted platitude on social media and wallow in the glowof self-satisfaction

    Aug 03 2022

    5 mins

  • Abortion: The Pursuit of Common Ground

    The middle course, the 'golden mean', as Aristotle put it, is that abortion should be available, but only up to a certain time in the pregnancy. The idea that life is in some way sacred is utterly indispensable for a civilised society. Its opposite notion, a common sense and rational approach to practical problems, is also indispensable.

    Jul 01 2022

    7 mins

  • Some Harsh Words About the Cult of ‘Kindness’

    The politics of diversity, equity and inclusion -- wokeness, in other words -- establishes a hierarchy of the saved and dammed as seen through the lens of identity. Individual rights are no longer the sine qua non of liberal democracy. Instead, what we see is warm and fuzzy irrationalism encasing the dark heart of a new metaphysics

    May 02 2022

    8 mins

  • Skirting the Matter of Feminism’s Culpability

    Feminist leadership, we’re constantly told, is more mature and empathetic than that awful ‘toxic masculinity’. Prove it, girls. Admit feminism was wrong to focus on anything other than equality before the law and equality of opportunity for women. Then apologise and move on before any more harm is done

    Apr 04 2022

    8 mins

  • What Women Want, What Men Need

    Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame at the National Press Club were the manifestation of female neuroticism -- the desire for social affirmation, an entitled expectation of men and the genetic feminine desire for empathy. It was peak feminism: privileging female virtues while downgrading female vices and holding men to the exact opposite standard

    Feb 24 2022

    7 mins

  • When Inflexibility Becomes a Guiding Principle

    Emerson observed that ‘a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds’ and few moments in recent history better demonstrate that wisdom than the response to COVID. Time and again, amid threats, penalties and hollow assurances, the refusal of the governing class to abandon failed approaches has presented intransigence as enlightened public policy

    Jan 29 2022

    6 mins

  • The Jenkins Report’s Man-Hating Wokeness

    Unfortunate things happen, bad people do evil, and men and women misunderstand each other all the time. But legislating that some people are to be classified as perennial oppressors while others are always their victims is the quintessence of injustice. Yet this is precisely the contention the Australian taxpayer has just now paid to have tabled in Parliament

    Jan 09 2022

    9 mins

  • The Establishment’s Honoured Rogues

    Hillary Clinton wholesaled lies about the so-called Russiagate 'scandal' while, closer to home, Tim Minchin revelled in the acclaim for his nasty little ditty about Cardinal Pell. Were there any justice each would be called to account, but that's not the way of the modern world. Instead, having delivered the messages the Establishment wanted, each has been crowned with garlands

    Oct 17 2021

    9 mins

  • A Soft Heart Needs a Hard Mind

    Having an IQ of 83 is a fact we can’t change no matter how many times and how loudly you cancel those who decline to declare you a genius. J.K. Rowling discovered all that when she insisted biology determines gender -- a huge irony as she was a slur-slinging social justice warrior of the first order before the mob turned on her

    Jun 22 2021

    9 mins