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Debbie Buller

Debbie Buller

The Latest From Debbie Buller

  • Bad policy, bad outcomes

    The Murray Darling Basin Authority has proposed extraordinary reductions to water allocations, and presented an incomplete and distorted picture of the impacts of such reductions.

    Jun 29 2012

    2 mins

  • Despair on the land

    We spent the entire year of 2007 on a zero allocation yet our water bill that year was over $50,000. We were informed that there was no water for our type of enterprise. When water supply is critical, that’s how the Water Sharing Plan works.

    Sep 13 2011

    4 mins

  • Mismanagement on the Murray

    The flexibility required to manage the Murray Darling Basin cannot be achieved from a centralised bureaucracy in Canberra. The present course of inaction and the emotional dialogue surrounding it is moving us backwards not forwards.

    Sep 05 2011

    4 mins