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David Price

David Price

The Latest From David Price

  • Silence When There Should Be Screaming

    Teenage Aboriginal suicides won't end because NRL stars refuse to sing the National Anthem. As for indigenous academics, they are happiest pontificating about flags, the Constitution and the date of Australia Day. So where are the voices, especially in their own communities, demanding abusers pay for their crimes?

    Nov 24 2020

    10 mins

  • If Only We Cared Enough to Know

    Everybody knows of George Floyd, but who recognises Fionica Yarranganlagi James, Keturah Cheralyn Mamarika and Layla Gulum Leering, all Aboriginal teens whose lives ended by their own hands? Governments will never end the dysfunction, nor self-promoting indigenous 'leaders'. As a royal commission found, 'only Aboriginal people can ... assure their own future'

    Oct 30 2020

    10 mins