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David Daintree

David Daintree

The Latest From David Daintree

  • When ‘Science’ Becomes a Truncheon

    We owe no debt of gratitude to governments that have imposed heavy, even crushing, social and economic burdens on their citizens.  Many are broken financially, some have died because life-saving surgery was denied due to the lockdowns. With governments treating their infantilised citizens with such mistrust, democracy is seriously compromised

    Sep 23 2021

    4 mins

  • The Masks That Blind Us

    Governments increasingly comfortable with pre-natal infanticide and euthanasing the elderly are demonstrating a passionate inconsistency in their efforts to suppress a virus whose toll is negligible by comparison. They talk of reaching the sunlit plains of the pandemic's 'other side' but it is a moral abyss that looms larger and closer

    Aug 02 2020

    3 mins

  • A Good Word for Christianity

    We now live in what many call a ‘post-Christian world’, with a considerable body of opinion insisting the benefits bestowed on society took place despite Christianity. That amounts to a scandalous misreading of history -- a misconception refuted by, to cite but one example, William Wilberforce and his supporters' crusade against slavery

    Sep 15 2019

    2 mins

  • Living the Anschluss

    This extraordinary and inventive novel opens with a letter, written […]

    May 31 2019

    5 mins

  • A Bumper to Her Majesty

      About twenty years ago I took a phone call […]

    Oct 01 2013

    6 mins

  • The Case for Latin

    Climate change is one thing, but how about a new […]

    Aug 26 2011

    15 mins