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David Barton

David Barton

The Latest From David Barton

  • The Voice: Don’t Doubt That the Fix Is In

    Considering his intense, long-term involvement with pro-Voice lobby group Uphold and Recognise, how can Julian Leeser remain shadow minister for indigenous affairs? Rather than outright oppose the insertion of race into the Constitution, as do Bess Price and others, his influence may well see the Liberals take the easy way out and opt for a conscience vote

    Jan 13 2023

    5 mins

  • Always Was, Always Will Be About Power

    Labor and its Voice allies would have us believe the success of the Yes vote is a foregone conclusion, a result made more likely by the refusal to finance those arguing the No case. It is incumbent upon those who care about Australia as a whole, rather than advancing the narrow interests of one group only, to contest the creation of a separate and sovereign Aboriginal nation

    Dec 18 2022

    8 mins

  • Waiter, There’s a Flighty Lefty in My Soup

    It’s not the news presenters who retail the lies, most of the time anyway. Rather, it’s the people they choose to interview who do the dirty work for them by retailing unchallenged falsehoods. One result -- one result of many just like her -- was the leftoid chatterbox who presumed to interrupt my post-election dinner

    Jun 13 2022

    5 mins

  • Culture, like Nature, Abhors a Vaccum

    Most young Australians have been spoon-fed the ‘invasion = colonisation’ and ‘frontier wars/genocide’ mantras from primary school through to university. Education is a powerful thing, and whoever controls it controls the future. Is it any wonder, amid a declining appreciation of what it means to be Australian, the likes of Bruce Pascoe make out like bandits? 

    Feb 11 2021

    9 mins

  • Whitefella, Be Gone! Landmarks and Racial Exclusion

    Suddenly, Australians of the wrong colour are being banished from their nation's natural landmarks and wonders -- Ayers Rock/Uluru, to note the best known case -- amid much palaver about 'sacred' sites. Let us not be deceived. This is all about power, control and, of course, money

    Dec 12 2020

    6 mins