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David Barnett

David Barnett

The Latest From David Barnett

  • Defending Australia with Lemons

    American Virginia-class submarines have sealed nuclear reactors and a life expectancy of 34 years service. We don’t know what the French attack class would be capable of were they not being reworked for domestic political purposes into a misbegotten diesel-electric configuration that will be extraordinarily expensive, extremely vulnerable and almost entirely useless

    Nov 05 2020

    8 mins

  • My Pioneering Role in Sino-Australian Relations

    You met Chou, asked the president of the Chinese national federation? I was visiting Beijing many years later and replied that not only had I met him but he had shaken my hand, which I held up. The president took the honoured hand in her own and held it with the greatest reverence

    Aug 06 2020

    8 mins

  • The Prodigy Who Failed

    Malcom Turnbull's memoir is a good read, but not because of the score-settling final chapters' account of how he lost the prime ministership. No, the good parts detail his adventures as the invincible young lawyer who won case after case, which rather suggests both he and Australia might have been better off had he remained at the bar

    Jun 02 2020

    8 mins

  • The Missing Voice of the Country Party

    The rural crisis lingers, but what we hear from the government is the plight of small business in country towns, hard hit because the farmers the Country Party once cared for don’t have money to spend. Tellingly, the $17 billion fiscal package announced in March doesn’t mention the rural sector

    May 11 2020

    8 mins

  • The Gentler Martial Art of Judo

    It is a great pity that karate has become so […]

    Oct 01 2014

    10 mins

  • The Firebrand Beneath Mandela’s Halo

    The prisoner who emerged to dismantle apartheid was far from the man consigned to almost three decades behind bars. But he was still there, forever the revolutionary, and the mere mention of Israel brought that former self into the open

    Dec 30 2013

    4 mins

  • The Drum on the GFC

    Quadrant ran a series of articles arguing that the economic profession in government service would appear to have been hijacked by interventionist Keynesian economists. That’s an understatement.

    Nov 18 2010

    1 mins

  • John Anderson and the Examined Life

    John Anderson, Challis Professor of Philosophy at Sydney University from […]

    May 01 2010

    11 mins

  • The Museum against Democracy

    After its formal closure in 1988, Old Parliament House in […]

    Oct 01 2009

    12 mins