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David Archibald

David Archibald

The Latest From David Archibald

  • Australia needs liquid fuel security

    In early April, 2012, one of Australia's few remaining oil refineries, in Geelong, was put up for sale, with no great expectation a buyer would be found. The headlines dwelt on the likely loss of some 400 jobs, but that is small beer against a looming and much larger blow: the nation's economic and strategic security

    Apr 07 2013

    8 mins

  • Wrong plan, wrong time

    Anthony Albanese buried a  report showing that in a world totally dependent on liquid fuels for transport, Australia will soon be only 25 per cent self-sufficient in oil.

    Apr 27 2012

    5 mins

  • Our Australian tour

    Anthony Watts runs the world’s most popular science blog with three million hits per month. One of the reasons for its popularity is that it possibly the most cheerful science blog, which in turn is a reflection on the owner.

    Jul 08 2010

    4 mins

  • Why scientists get it wrong

    The CSIRO might be forgiven for not having a corporate memory more than 60 years long, but why did they and the Bureau of Meteorology only use 50 years of data to produce a graph [of record hot day maximums] when they had more than 100 years of data they could have used?

    Jun 01 2010

    14 mins

  • Peer review locks gate

    As the Climategate emails show, the warmers captured the whole system – all the journals, all their editors and the journals’ boards.

    Nov 30 2009

    3 mins

  • ETS Forum – It’s the Sun, silly

    The government’s intention to introduce an emissions trading system in Australia rests upon their belief that human carbon-dioxide emissions are a cause of dangerous global warming. That belief is incorrect.

    Aug 08 2009

    4 mins