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David Archibald

David Archibald

The Latest From David Archibald

  • China Ink

    The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission produces voluminous annual reports, the latest of which turns its attention to Beijing's growing influence in both Australia's ethnic media and the mainstream press. The picture it paints is by no means reassuring

    Nov 21 2017

    5 mins

  • The F-35’s Hidden Sticker Shock

    The warplane already comes with an extraordinary price tag, but that is only the start of the drain this gold-plated hangar queen will impose on our defence budget. Beyond that, we'll be paying Lockheed Martin for access to the "intellectual property" needed to get it airborne (every now and then)

    Nov 05 2017

    8 mins

  • One Way to Get AGL’s Attention

    No altruistic outfit, the company is pledged to profit and therefore delighted to have positioned itself in the best possible situation to exploit the distorted power market. A revolt by shareholders concerned for the nation's good might just get results

    Oct 10 2017

    4 mins

  • How to Build a Brilliant Military Career

    It is evident that ADF's leadership has been captured by a self-perpetuating Left claque and equally apparent that promotion beyond the rank of captain demands correct views on things like global warming and the martial prowess of intersex recruits, of which current doctrine says there are simply not enough

    Aug 17 2017

    5 mins

  • Tempting the Dragon

    China's grim determination to claim the South China Sea as its private lake needs an incident to demonstrate Beijing's resolve. The US is problematic, given its undoubted willingness to respond, but the British warships Boris Johnson is dispatching, well they will make the perfect targets

    Aug 01 2017

    4 mins

  • Senator Smith’s Family Values

    The Liberal from West Austral has mooted a private member’s bill legalising homosexual marriage, apparently because the Lindt café's manager was murdered while being without benefit of clergy. The purpose of such a bill is to deny the Australian public any say in the matter

    Jul 27 2017

    4 mins

  • Election 2016: My Tilt at Windmills

    David Archibald thought he might have a chance to take the seat of Pilbarra, thinking he might run as an independent but eventually signing on as One Nation's contender.  Here's his memoir of bent media, mad taxes, fabricated outrage and, most of all, democracy warts and all

    Apr 22 2017

    30 mins

  • What Will Replace the F-35?

    The are three know quantities about the warplane selected to be Australia's front line fighter: First, it doesn't work, won't work and can't be made to work. Second, it is horrendously expensive. And third, Donald Trump is sure to cancel the program

    Jan 04 2017

    3 mins

  • Less Bang for the White Paper’s Buck

    Given its repeated invocation of "agility", the Prime Minister must be mightily pleased with the latest blueprint for the future of Australia's defence. Enemies will be even more tickled, given the document's surrender to profligacy, tactical incoherence and political correctness

    Mar 01 2016

    6 mins