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Dave Pellowe

Dave Pellowe

The Latest From Dave Pellowe

  • Free Will, Free Speech and Israel Folau

    The champion's sin was to post on Instagram a list of sins the Apostle Paul says disqualify people from Heaven, the alternative destination, as Folau sees it, being Hell. Cue the mob, break out the lash, build the pyre -- it's time to burn another heretic of the modern kind

    Apr 19 2019

    4 mins

  • A Carefully Miseducated Generation of Climate Warriors

    It would be noteworthy if the children who will take to the streets tomorrow had decided instead to make it a weekend protest on behalf of 'climate justice', foregoing the fun of ducking much-needed classes to play the wag for Gaia

    Mar 14 2019

    4 mins

  • Stand for Nothing, Fall for Anything

    It is easy to sympathise with PM Scott Morrison's efforts to rebuild the Liberal Party's broad church after the destruction and division of the Turnbull debacle. Trouble is, all one finds in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and squashed bunnies -- or, in this instance, a chimera that is neither fish nor fowl

    Jan 12 2019

    6 mins

  • The Virtue of Genuine Gratitude

    I don't operate an airline and have no brand to promote, but I won't be joining the chorus of those decrying Virgin's decent but tin-eared notion to acknowledge ADF personnel. The fact is we have much to be grateful for -- and an obligation as individuals, so far as I am concerned, to give it voice

    Nov 07 2018

    4 mins

  • Nagging as a Feminist Discipline

    More women are being charged with domestic violence, a development those who have long argued that equality of outcome matters more than equal opportunity might have been expected to applaud. But no, none of that from the champions of perpetual female victimhood

    Sep 13 2018

    4 mins

  • The Real Fascists

    When leftists brand conservatives as 'Nazis' they strip away all meaning, just as they have succeeded in doing with 'marriage' and 'racist'. When words are twisted to mean anything, what they convey is nothing but the speaker's presumed right to silence and assault all who disagree

    Aug 16 2018

    5 mins

  • The Far Left’s Pyrrhic Victory

    What's 'rabble' in a Kiwi accent? 'Rubble', which is what the usual suspects' bid to silence Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux became after the standard slur-spit-and-scream tactics. Yes, their Auckland gig had to be cancelled, but they reached a far wider audience as a consequence

    Aug 05 2018

    4 mins

  • ‘Shut up’, the Mayor Argued

    The New Zealand leg of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux's speaking tour has been denied the use of an Auckland Council auditorium, the city's red-raggin' mayor admiring his media profile while thundering about 'hate speech'. This same parish-pump potentate raises no objection to Hezbollah

    Jul 12 2018

    5 mins