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Dave Pellowe

Dave Pellowe

The Latest From Dave Pellowe

  • Swine Before Pearls: The Left’s Christmas Myths

    'Tis the season to be ... quoting spurious scriptural interpretations in support of open-borders immigration policies. Baby Jesus was a refugee, don't you know? A simple slogan for simple minds, it cannot withstand the slightest scrutiny. Yet year after year, that is what we are loudly and insistently told

    Dec 25 2021

    6 mins

  • Left Brain, Right Brain, Cancelled Brain

    To the Left, all change is 'progress', even when harmful, degenerative or regressive. Conservatives, on the other hand, believe history is instructive, and ancient boundaries should at least be understood before they are moved, let alone demolished. In a few words, conservatives appreciate that our forebears were fallible, but not fools

    Feb 12 2021

    2 mins

  • After Ginsburg: Waiting for the SCOTUS riots

    The frontrunner and current hot tip to fill America's Supreme Court vacancy is Amy Coney Barrett. She’s not yet 50, so a lifetime appointment could see her a SCOTUS fixture for perhaps 30 years, if Ginsburg's legal longevity is any guide. First, though, the replacement -- be it Barrett or someone else -- must run the Left's gauntlet of slanders and violence

    Sep 23 2020

    7 mins

  • Religious Freedom, Hurt Feelings and Legal Sophistry

    The need of "social harmony", so often cited by opponents of the right to articulate the tenets of one's faith, would appear to be entirely conditional on those views being in accord with their own. In the months to come, as religious freedom is debated, brace for arguments running the gamut from fallacious to spurious

    Dec 28 2019

    7 mins

  • The Dumbing and Dimming of Australia’s Children

    We've poured further billions of dollars into our schools and the result, as the latest PISA results attest, is gold-plated failure. A crisis now, it is a catastrophe in the making as kids who can't add, spell or analyse enter the workforce. There is, however, a two-pronged remedy: vouchers, plus a return to true federalism

    Dec 04 2019

    7 mins

  • Kristina Keneally’s ‘Tolerant’ Intolerance

    Freedom of speech, far from butting against freedom of religion, is not only essential to protect the right to believe and worship, but also to safeguard liberal and inclusive democracy itself. In demanding the cancellation of a CPAC conference speaker's visa, the censorious senator seeks to make the State shield, servant and enforcer on behalf of a favoured few

    Aug 06 2019

    5 mins

  • If Only There Was a Tax on Envy

    Imagine we had a flat tax system, an idea that gives Labor, the Greens and social engineers fits. Is it unfair? The cleaner on $37,000 is not “exploited” if the executive on $250,000 doesn’t pay more tax than he already does. As Churchill said, 'Socialism is … the gospel of envy.'

    Jul 04 2019

    3 mins

  • ‘Reconciliation’, Twisted and Redefined

    Nelson Mandela said a refusal to forgive 'is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.' It is advice blacktivists demanding what amounts to constitutionally endorsed separatism would do well to accept. They won't, of course

    Jun 06 2019

    5 mins

  • A Shattered Labor’s Wrong Road to Damascus

    Chastened by their party's rejection at the ballot box, we're hearing expressions of regret that 'people of faith' feel themselves to have been not merely rejected by the sermonising Left but actively derided. The language might soften, but the attitude never will or can

    May 23 2019

    4 mins