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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • Jerusalem Bound

    The last time Arabs ruled eastern Jerusalem and the Old City all but one of the Jewish Quarter’s 35 synagogues was demolished. Trump's pledge to recognise the city as the capital of Israel will go a long way towards preventing history from repeating itself

    Dec 07 2017

    7 mins

  • How Hillary Met Her Doom

    Her campaign was an unholy mess, fraught with tangled lines of authority, petty jealousies, distorted priorities, and no sense of greater purpose. Worse, no one was in charge who could figure out how to make the campaign bigger than a flawed candidate's sense of entitlement and inevitability

    Nov 18 2017

    11 mins

  • Defeating Islam in the Battle of Ideas

    Not only have Islamic revivalists declared war on the West, our ruling elites have joined them. This is the arena in which the Battle of Ideas will be won or lost, and not through the version of appeasement given voice in British MP Liam Byrne's deceptively 'objective' book

    Oct 30 2017

    13 mins

  • Standing Up for the House of Freedom

    Mainstream reviews of Donald Trump's recent Warsaw speech laid bare the modern Left’s modus operandi in attempting to criminalise any opinion that gainsays identity politics and political correctness. Conflating “the West” with “the white national right” is nothing less than perverse

    Sep 28 2017

    14 mins

  • Immigration: Turnbull vs Bernardi

    There are serious problems ahead for our "immigration nation", as Malcolm Turnbull described Australia in London. In the real world, the “sensible centre” might not lie between conservativism and the Left, but between One Nation and our PC Establishment

    Aug 13 2017

    4 mins

  • Trump vs. Obama in the Middle East

    On climate change and other issues, Donald Trump has departed the G20 summit at odds with much of the world. That was to be expected, given his compliant predecessor is much missed by Merkel & Co. Nowhere are the two presidents' differences greater than in the Middle East

    Jul 09 2017

    13 mins

  • Kill Political Correctness or It Kills Us

    Here is the dark magic of PC thinking: it subtly inverts the truth, leaving us feeling virtuous while literally and metaphorically disarmed. Hug the person next to you, urged Katy Perry at the Manchester memorial concert. Just hope he's not wearing a suicide vest

    Jun 12 2017

    7 mins

  • Violent Co-Existence in the Middle East

    As Donald Trump jets about the Middle East distributing olive branches it is timely to recall the Oslo Accords and the folly of cutting deals with remorseless killers. Enabling the PLO to build a terrorist kleptocracy in the West Bank has achieved nothing, other than stressing the need for a new approach

    May 23 2017

    12 mins

  • Comey Fired, Hypocrisy Promoted

    Politicians and media outlets have forfeited any semblance of trustworthiness in their manic efforts to bring down President Trump. Consider, for example, how Mrs Clinton's supporters demanded the FBI chief be fired only to immediately reverse themselves when news of his dismissal broke

    May 14 2017

    6 mins