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Daryl McCann

Daryl McCann

The Latest From Daryl McCann

  • Sole Brothers

    Not so long ago, Nike was the company the left loved to hate, with its stupendous profits wrung, as activists asserted, from the sweat of the Third World's poor. Now, suddenly, it's the progressives' toast. All it took was the embrace of a black athlete who won't stand for the US national anthem

    Sep 20 2018

    7 mins

  • Fascists Wherever She Looks

    Madeleine Albright saw hope of future employment dashed when Donald Trump took the White House and that setback seems to have inspired a deranged bitterness: her girl lost, therefore the winner is a 'proto-fascist'. That ridiculous notion informs an even more ridiculous book

    Sep 17 2018

    7 mins

  • Big Brother’s Loyalty

    In his rushed-to-press book, 'A Higher Loyalty', James Comey reveals himself as a congenital lawyer with a special talent for obfuscation and self-exoneration. That such a creature rose so high lends enormous credence to Donald Trump's grievances against the Deep State

    Jul 20 2018

    17 mins

  • The Great Bohemian Cultural Revolution

    The proselytisation of postmodernist theory, according to Jordan Peterson, is less an emancipatory project than intellectual charlatanry and the relinquishment of individual responsibility. If a truth is validated by its teller's enemies, the Canadian academic is right on the money

    Jun 20 2018

    10 mins

  • Trump: Not Business as Usual in Asia

    Despite the best hopes of the liberal-minded West, the globalisation and modernisation of China have made its communist rulers less democratic at home and, on the international stage, more belligerent. Trump is prepared to accept this reality and acts accordingly

    May 28 2018

    12 mins

  • Obama’s Big Idea

    Barack Obama’s policy was to ask Iran to show some flexibility, give good relations with America a chance, just as he sought to make nice with Cuba, Russia, China, even the Muslim Brotherhood. Odious but not stupid, the mullahs knew a sucker when they saw one

    May 10 2018

    4 mins

  • Erdoğan’s Islamic State

    Almost everything about the Turkish Republic is a lie or, at best, a half-truth, starting with its name. As the secular state is progressively dismantled the Islamic revivalism of the current regime is no mere nostalgia for the Ottoman heritage. It is something far more sinister

    Apr 26 2018

    13 mins

  • Deepstategate and the Anti-Trumpers

    To make any sense of Russiagate the point to begin is an acknowledgement that today in America, and almost all Western nations, we are confronted by a Left elite which will stop at nothing to maintain the hold on institutions and cultural influence it has so assiduously pursued and achieved

    Mar 20 2018

    25 mins

  • Roger Scruton and Enlightened Patriotism

    In the West, you can hold to the tenets of Christianity and still advocate for secular democracy, just as those agnostic about the Christian faith need not sign on as postmodernists. Under Islam's absolutism no such manifestations of personal belief and intellectual inquiry are allowed. As Scruton observes, that's the difference between us and them

    Feb 12 2018

    13 mins